Saturday, 11 June 2022




Let's say this together with the man of God, Pastor Chris;

I give thanks to the Father of Spirits who knows all things, who sees all things and who sent Jesus to die in my place that I should never be a victim anymore, but a victor all my life. 

Thank you Father, I give you praise!

The Word of God is working in me, the Word of God is in me. The life of God is in me. Christ in me, the hope of glory.

I carry the divine presence, Hallelujah! I'm blessed, I'm a divine life distributor, a divine health distributor, a blessing distributor. 

I'm not a victim, I'm a Victor, I'm a winner, not a loser.  

Thank you Jesus!!! 

My life is for your glory, I was born for your glory, Not for reproach, not for failure... my life is entirely for your glory! 

In all these things, we're more than conquerors. 

The Word of God is working in me, the Word of God is producing results in me. 

The Word of God is working in my body. I'm being built up by the word of God.

I'm better than I used to be. I'm moving in the realm of glory.

I'm a new type of man. I belong in a new race. 

Thanks be unto God, who gives us the victory!!! I'm the seed of Abraham, greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world!!!

Hallelujah! I will never be defeated. 

I will never be discouraged, because my life is from glory to glory. I live in health and I walk in dominion. 

I'm a child of God. The greater one lives in me, I'm not ordinary... 

My life is a call to glory, honour, dignity and excellence. 

I'm an overcomer. 

I'm full of power. I don't live by blood, I live by the Holy Ghost. 

The hand of the Lord is mighty upon me.

I have a glorious life, my Father is the Father of glory! I refuse to be sick, I am in Christ, I am saved already. 

I will never be ordinary. 

I'm the seed of Abraham, I'm different.  

I'm full of God, I'm tough...Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.

My tongue is a tree of life. I've got a mape tongue, a healing tongue. 

My life is from glory to glory... 

My life is for the glory of God. 

Father, there's none like you, I worship you, I honour you, I thank you, for your grace, for your love and for your mighty presence in my life... Hallelujah!
