Saturday 1 October 2022

Scriptures For Meditation - October


Prov. 23:4 says, Labour not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom. 

The wisdom of God given to you is able to make you rich.

 You are the offspring of God and His seed of greatness is in you. 

God told Abraham that He'll make him great (Gen. 12. 2). It wasn't Abraham's request, it was God's choice.

We are the seed of Abraham (Gal. 2:29) therefore, greatness is our birthright. 

You are not trying to be great, you were born that way. Live up to this calling.

The seed of greatness is in you, it's in your spirit. 

Do not tie greatness to the things you possess, houses, cars, lands... e.t.c. Your greatness is in your spirit. It shows up when you put your hands to do something. If you got into something small, it turns out big and because you are involved in that thing, it will of necessity turn out great and move towards being the greatest! Praise God!

People may have done it before, but your story is unique and perculiar to you  it's the story of greatness and people will begin to know you with this kind of result.

All this because you are born of the great God of glory! Hallelujah! 

Don't place a limit on yourself by doing small things. Its starts with your mind. Don't think small, even if you find yourself in a small place. Think big! Prov. 23:7 - For as He thinketh in his heart, so is he: .... You are what you have created in your mind, you look like your mind.

Learn to shut your eyes most times when you are alone and create the picture you like; you see more when you shut your eyes, Then go ahead and think big! There is no law against thinking big, there's no penalty against thinking big. Your mind is your own. You can dream to the highest point and even beyond... Praise God!

Let no one stop you from thinking big, no circumstance, no challenge or situation stop you from thinking big!

This applies to any area of your life.

Before long, you will start talking that way because your have created an environment of greatness around you. It would affect the way you talk, walk, see, and do things.

This would inturn affect the way people see you.

"Leave that guy alone, he's a big man, don't you see how he talks?" That becomes your story. 

With this you attract the right people to you. They can recommend you for any top position like this; and ofcouse, that kind of environment follows to wherever you are taken and continues to put you on top.

Don't do things the way men have laid them down. You do things with the Holy Ghost strategy. You can call it the strategy that works. Hallelujah!




Psalms 75:6-7

For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. 

But God is the judge: He putteth down one, and setteth up another. 


Daniel 2:48

Then the king made Daniel a great man, and gave him many great gifts, and made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon, and chief of the governors over all the wise men of Babylon. 
