Sunday 26 June 2022


“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

As Christians, we're not ordinary people; we have a supernatural life of power. You received this extraordinary power when the Holy Spirit came into your life. The Lord Jesus said in our opening verse, “…ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you…” What kind of power was He talking about, and what can we do with it? The word 'power' in this verse is translated from 'dunamis' (Greek); it means dynamic power or ability to cause or effect a change. It refers to miracle-working ability to make supernatural things happen. 

It refers to what we call a 'doing-power' or 'working-power’ which is sometimes translated as ‘might’. It also means the power of excellence; the extraordinary ability to be efficient and effective in all that you do. This is the life that we have in Christ – a life of super-productivity and ever-increasing glory! 

God's purpose is for you to receive and operate in an unending flow of the supernatural every day of your life. However, for this to happen, you must inundate your mind with God's Word and thoughts from the Spirit of God! You must consciously practise the God-life by practising the Word until it becomes your lifestyle. This is God's dream for His children. 

The reason many of God's children live as ordinary men instead of living the supernatural life of power by the Spirit is their ignorance of the Word: “They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness…”(Psalm 82:5). It's important that you fill your mind with God's Word continually, and realise that you're not ordinary. That way, you'd be able to appropriate the blessings of the supernatural life in Christ and experience an unending flow of the miraculous every day. 

We're never to be victims in life. If you've found yourself in a predicament, a precarious or desperate situation; don't cower and don't give up. There's something in you the life and power of the Spirit to effect change. You can change any unfavourable situation with this power in you. This is Christianity; it's a life of dominion. You don't need to go from place to place looking for and seeking power, because the power to effect the changes you desire lies within you!
