Sunday 29 May 2022


…For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation (Romans 10:9-10).

“I believe what the Word says about my healing, prosperity, and victories; but I’m not experiencing them in my life. Oh God, why?” While this very statement rages in the minds of many, yet, the opening scripture gives a clear and unambiguous answer. Make your tongue your own tree of life. Your “tongue-work,” which is your response to the Word, is so important.

Understand this: believing makes you right with God, and that’s wonderful, but that’s not enough; you have to make confessions of that which you’ve believed. With your heart, you believe what God has said, but with your mouth you repeat, reiterate, re-echo what He has said; that’s what catapults you into the realms of what you have believed. Thus, to be saved, you don’t stop at believing God raised Jesus from the dead; no! You have to confess the Lordship of Jesus over your life.

Your believing and your talking must come together; otherwise, you might think the reason things are working out right for others is because they’re more specially gifted than you are; but no! They’ve only learnt, and are applying, the principle of synchronizing their believing with their confessions. Act on the Word; make bold declarations about yourself on the basis of what God has said concerning you in His Word: “He has said, that you may boldly say…” (Hebrews 13:5-6). If you believe what He has said, say the same thing with your mouth.

For example, 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” Believe it, but don’t stop there. Say the same thing because you agree with Him. Until you make that confession, and allow that truth take a hold of your spirit, you’ll not walk in the realms of what you’ve believed; the vital experience of righteousness will elude you. So, in faith, you must synchronize your believing with your confessions.

Go ahead right now and make this confession for yourself:
Winning Is My Lifestyle. My mind is blessed with fresh ideas that is not common to men and the Spirit of God has given me the needed courage to stand strong in the midst of contrary situations. I declare that I am fired-up by God’s Spirit today to see every challenge I face as an opportunity for promotion. I take on challenges and win, for winning is my lifestyle and excellence is my calling in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
